McBro Finance Limited is a 100% PNG owned finance company operating within Banking and finance industry to serve those who are in “URGENT Financial NEED”. This company is registered under IPA Company Act and operate as sole trader which will expand in future with more shareholders/ directors. Since it is 100% PNG owned the company firmly believe in the development of Papua New Guinea as a nation and the well-being of its citizens through the provision of personal loans at low interest rate. Being a ‘true’ PNG company we understand therefore the unique nature of PNG custom and culture and individual needs and demands. We have total of 19 establishments including Port Moresby being the Head Office. Refer below list of branches;

  1. Port Moresby (HQ)
  2. Lae
  3. Madang
  4. Wewak
  5. Mt. Hagen
  6. Mendi
  7. Banz
  8. Kundiawa
  9. Goroka
  10. Kainanatu
  11. Kokopo
  12. Kimbe
  13. Manus
  14. Vanimo
  15.  Kiunga
  16. Buka
  17. Ialibu
  18. Wabag
  19. Maprik

For clients’ convenience and better client service, we plan to expand our establishments to cover whole nation to set the national footprint and financial offerings.

Unlike some of our competitors we do not see ourselves merely as a provider of personal loans but rather as a means for people from all walks of life to meet pressing and urgent financial commitments from school fees, bride price, medical assistance and others to help with achieving their own individual dreams, hopes and aspirations, whatever that may represent.

To that end our customer service value proposition is based on building personalized relationships with our customers where all staff at McBro Finance:

  • Meet the needs of our customers in a professional, ethical and courteous manner;
  • Treat all customers with respect;
  • Act with integrity and honesty ; and
  • Respond to customer enquiries promptly and efficiently.

Just as importantly we firmly understand and hold that ‘urgency’ of loan service delivery and turnaround is critical and as such our aim is to deliver a high speed loan application service with minimum fuss and red tape.

Therefore at McBro Finance Limited, with our friendly service and 3days approval policy, applications are processed and loan funds paid direct into clients’ bank account within or before 3days. We live up to our motto 2Fast, 2Quick and 2Easy on approving Personal Loans. Whether clients need help with School Fees or want a Top-up Loan, we don’t want them to keep on waiting.

We finance small unsecured personal loans for various genuine purposes such as:

  • School Fees
  • Funeral Expenses
  • Feast Expenses
  • Bride Price Assistance
  • Personal Goods Purchase

Other Genuine Purposes

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Kuni Roosters of Palex

Sponsored Kuni Roosters of Palex in Upper Nebilyer, Tambul Nebilyer district, WHP